If you’re anything like I was, you’re feeling stuck. You’re feeling lost. You’ve got this nagging feeling in your gut that things aren’t right, but you might not even be able to place what exactly is wrong. And why would anything be “wrong” necessarily? You’ve got a pretty decent life. You have a career that you’ve worked hard for, you followed the path, did “all the things” society told you to do, and followed the plan laid out for you.
You essentially have everything that society tells you you should have. But that nagging feeling is still there. You know logically others less fortunate would gladly trade places with you to have what you have. You might even feel guilty for not being fully grateful and fulfilled with your life. You’ve got the resume to prove it. You've got a good job and people who care about you. Your life is essentially “good on paper,” but not necessarily “good with your soul.” So what do you do with that?
This is exactly how I felt. And I was too embarrassed to admit it to others. Or to even admit it to myself. Through the rose-colored lens of social media, everything appeared wonderful. But inside, my soul knew how unhappy I was, how I craved more for my life, how inauthentic my life felt. It wasn’t like a light bulb moment for me where one day I woke up and made changes (although that might be the case for you!) But for me it was like everyday my soul decided to “wake up” a little bit more, urging me to make some serious changes and take action.
It first started back in 2015 when I decided to call off my wedding and leave a relationship that was no longer healthy for me, that no longer supported my growth and true self. It was one of the most humiliating times in my life, having to explain to people why your relationship fell apart. I felt like a fraud. Calling friends and family to inform them that your wedding was no longer happening, having to move back home with my parents because I no longer had a place to live. And on top of it all, being laid off and not having a job to support myself. I was scared, confused and feeling hopeless that I could rebuild a life that was mine after being co-dependent with someone else for a large part of my young adult life. I cried myself to sleep for what felt like a month straight, mourning the life I dreamed of but never actually had, nursing a broken heart, and for the fear of the unknown. But deep down, my soul continued to remind me that I had made the right choice, and everything was unfolding just as it was supposed to.
Eventually with time, I was able to see and believe that I had made the right choice in leaving that relationship. After talking to close friends and family, many shared that I had my “light” back. And I knew exactly what they meant. Throughout the years I spent in that relationship, I had slowly lost who I was, my spirit and my light. My inner flame that once burned bright, that made me, ME, had gone completely dim. And of course, it all happens so slowly over time that you don’t realize it’s happening until you’re there. You’re IN IT. But having the strength to finally stand up for myself, admit I wasn’t happy, and have the courage to walk away from things that no longer served me was the first step in regaining my self. And sparking my inner light again.
Your life is essentially “good on paper” but not necessarily “good with your soul.”
clearing energy
Once I had cleared my life of people who no longer served the best version of me, it started to bubble up to the surface how unhappy I was with my job. Again, this was not a light bulb moment for me, but rather a slow awakening from a long slumber. I always knew my career didn’t light me up, but I didn’t know any other way. I enjoyed helping others (so being a school counselor seemed like a logical fit) but deep down I knew there was so much more I wanted to be doing with my passions and natural gifts. But what?
It was my intuition that lead me to coaching. I didn’t even know what I was searching for, but knew once I had found it. Through the work with my own coach, I was able to identify my own limiting beliefs holding me back, define what I actually wanted with my life, and shift my energy to make it happen. From there I had the courage to leave a toxic work environment, admit I wanted more for myself (and not feel guilty about it!) and left my job for a path unknown. All I knew is I wanted to be unapologetically myself, surround myself with things that lit me up, and connect with others who may have a similar path to mine.
And of course that’s not the end to my story. It’s just the beginning actually. I’ve taken the leap into entrepreneurship, wanting the freedom and flexibility I’ve always craved, being able to connect with others in a more holistic way, write, express myself, be creative, share my story in hopes that it will inspire others on a similar path to WAKE UP and start designing and living an authentic life that lights them up!